# Article Scripts
Used to give behavior to your articles.
Article scripts are named for the article they represent, in the format article<name>_init.gml
or article<name>_update.gml
Article names are 1
, 2
, 3
, solid
, and platform
Official docs (opens new window)
# article[name]_init.gml
Called when the article is created, to initialize variables.
Articles have built-in variables.
You must set an article's sprite_index
variable to a valid sprite, or the game may crash. If you need an invisible
article, you can get around this with sprite_index = asset_get("empty_sprite")
In all scripts, should avoid using Game Maker's in-built 'speed' variables
(including image_speed
, gravity
, friction
, hspeed
and vspeed
). These variables are not synced with Rivals of
Aether's framerate, and may cause desyncs online. Use hsp
and vsp
instead for movement. Articles do not have
in-built replacements for image_speed
, gravity
and friction
, so this behavior needs to be defined manually.
article_anim_speed = 0.2;
article_friction = 0.1;
article_gravity = 0.5;
article_max_fall_speed = 12;
should_die = false
# article[name]_update.gml
Called every frame for the article. Used to add behavior.
Articles do not have event scripts like got_hit.gml
or death.gml
, but these events can be detected manually.
Under Construction
Explain how. Support with the injection framework.
image_index += article_anim_speed;
if free {
vsp = min(vsp + article_gravity, article_max_fall_speed)
if hsp != 0 {
hsp = sign(hsp) * max(0, abs(hsp) - my_article_friction)
if should_die {