# Pixel Art Overview
Pixel art isn't just any art made of pixels. (opens new window)
In pixel art, changing the color of one pixel makes a big difference. You place pixels with care and control, to say a lot with a tiny resolution and few colors.

There are a few extra things to learn in making pixel art (which this guide will teach), but the drawing process itself tends to be much faster than traditional art. In Rivals modding, a single hard-working artist could do what might take a whole team for another fighting game.
Pixel art is a higher learning curve for faster rewards.
Rivals is, thus, excellent for beginner animators specially.
~ KerroBerry
# Readability
Readability is a key aspect in Rivals pixel art. Characters need to communicate.
Rivals characters are small, and the game is fast. The players need to be able to tell what the other character is doing within a matter of frames, while dodging and counter-attacking.
To communicate well, Rivals sprites need to be simple and exaggerated.
# Technical notes
- Don't save your pixel art as a jgp or other compressed filetype. It'll get mangled.
- Only resize your pixel art by whole numbers, (opens new window) or it will end up with pixels of different sizes, called mixels, which are terrible.