# Project Setup

TLDR: Unzip this (opens new window) into C:\Users\{Your_Account}\AppData\Local\RivalsofAether\workshop\my_new_project. That's your new project.

Whenever you start creating a new mod, you'll need to make a new project for it.

Your project directory is C:\Users\{Your_Account}\AppData\Local\RivalsofAether\workshop\. Create the workshop directory if it doesn't exist. workshop_synced is unrelated.

Each project is a folder in the project directory. Make a new directory named after your project, called anything, like C:\Users\{Your_Account}\AppData\Local\RivalsofAether\workshop\my_new_project.

# Templates

Rather than starting from nothing, copy a template into the folder to build from.

Unzip the template into a new folder in your project directory. The character files should be in the root of your project folder, like ...\rivalsofaether\workshop\your_project\config.ini

# Alternative Templates: Using other Rivals mods

For alternative templates, you can start working from any Rivals mod you have downloaded.

Rivals mods you have downloaded appear in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\383980.

There, you can see the files for any mod you have downloaded. By copying a mod folder to your project folder, you can edit it.

  • Sandbert with a Phone (opens new window) comes with some powerful extra features, but may be more complicated to get started with.
  • Sandbert (opens new window), the official example character, is often used as a new character template.
    This original Sandbert is overpowered in many ways, making it a poor foundation. Parts of the character will need to be re-tuned.

You can technically use any mod as a starting template, but unfortunately not everyone is open to the reuse of their work. Get permission before copy-pasting large sections of another mod.

(Rather than copy-pasting, studying and understanding mods is a fantastic way to learn.)