# Event Scripts

# Every frame

# update.gml

Called every frame. This is the standard script for adding constant behavior to the game.

if state == PS_TECH_GROUND and state_timer == 1 {

# attack_update.gml

Called every frame when the character is attacking. The attack variable contains the current attack type.

if (attack == AT_NSPECIAL || attack == AT_FSPECIAL || attack == AT_DSPECIAL || attack == AT_USPECIAL){

if attack == AT_DSPECIAL {
    hsp = 0

# In Response

# set_attack.gml

Called at the beginning of every attack. Used to replace the attack in special conditions.

if attack == AT_DSPECIAL && free {

# death.gml

Called when your character dies. Useful for resetting variables or deleting articles.

laser_charge = 0
if my_cloud != noone {
    my_cloud.should_die = true

# Hit events

To change the knockback given, change orig_knock on the hit character.

You can disable the purple kill effect by setting should_make_shockwave to false on the hit character.

# hit_player.gml

Called when you hit another character with any hitbox.

  • hit_player_obj - the oPlayer instance that was hit.
  • hit_player - the player number of the hit character (player 1, player 2, etc.).
  • my_hitboxID - the hitbox you hit them with.
if my_hitboxID.attack == AT_NAIR {
    can_jump = true;

# got_hit.gml

Called when you are hit by any hitbox.

  • hit_player_obj - Misleading. Whatever instance created the hitbox that hit you. May not be an oPlayer instance.
  • hit_player - Misleading. The player number of the hit_player_obj (player 1, player 2, etc).
  • enemy_hitboxID - the hitbox you were hit with.
used_uspecial = false
lightning_buff_active = false

# Parrying events

# parry.gml

Called when you parry a hitbox.

  • hit_player_obj - Misleading. The player object whose hitbox you parried.
  • hit_player - Misleading. The player number of the hit_player_obj (player 1, player 2, etc).
  • enemy_hitboxID - the hitbox you parried.
shake_camera(5, 12)

# got_parried.gml

Called when your hitbox is parried.

  • hit_player_obj - Misleading. The player object who parried your hitbox.
  • hit_player - Misleading. The player number of the `hit_player_obj (player 1, player 2, etc).
  • my_hitboxID- the hitbox that was parried.
if (my_hitboxID.attack == AT_USPECIAL){
  state = PS_PRATFALL;

# User Events

user_event[0 – 15].gml

You can call these scripts manually with the user_event() function, making them similar to define functions that are accessible from multiple files.

The Assistant lets you use any define across multiple files.